Toronto Star - 2018-12-29

Ridders on the Storm - solo exhibition -Opening Reception at Gallery 1313, Toronto

Photo by: Tom Sandler

Featuring Tatjana Hutinec her painting “|Riders pm the Storm” and guests attending the reception

Toronto Star - 2015-12-26

Off the Wall

Group exhibition at Propeller Gallery, Toronto

Photo by: Tom Sandler

Featuring Tatjana Hutinec with other artists ,members of Propeller Gallery

Toronto Star - 2015-04-09

Off Camera

Group exhibition at Gallery 1313, Toronto

Photo by: Tom Sandler

Featuring Tatjana Hutinec and her painting “Revealing of the Inner Child”

Globe and Mail - 2011-04-28

Art Gallery of Ontario - Massive Party inspired by Marquise Cassatti

Caught on camera by paparazzi Tatjana Hutinec and her wearable art headpiece “The Garden of Eden”

Vecernji List - 2017-07-27

ZAGREB, Croatia

Interview / article by: Ana Bacic

“Anđeo je izgledao odlično pa su Tatjanu zapazili u filmskom svijetu. Potom je dobila angažmane u poznatim uspješnicama kao što su The Incredible Hulk, Total Recall, Warehouse 13

U aktivnoj kulturnoj sceni zajednice iseljenih Hrvata Toronta djeluje osebujna slikarica i kiparica Tatjana Hutinec. Sjećam je se od prije nekoliko godina kada je pobijedila na našem lokalnom karnevalu u organizaciji kazališne grupe Histerioni. Bila je kostimirana u boginju Floru s glavom ukrašenom ornamentima tropskog cvijeća i voća. …”

to read the full article please click on the link below

Bloor Street News - 2010

Photo by: Paul Murton

Fantasy Fashion Show - group exhibition and performance

at Gallery 1313, Toronto, January 28th , 2010

 Photo by Paul Murton

Tatjana Hutinec - Theatrical inspired fashion. Fashion Beasts

“Fashion Beasts is the creation of Tatjana Hutinec, ……..Fashion Beasts depict the modern Goddesses of Duality, imposing a balance between the masculine and the feminine, strength and sensuality that does not follow fashion trends, but encourages a statement of personality and attitude.”

To read full article follow the link below

Bloor Street News 2009

Photo by: Paul Murton

Interview / Article by Kasia Ignatowska:
Spiritually charged art by Tatjana Hutinec
Off Camera - Group Exhibition at Gallery Fountain, Toronto

It’s the natural ability to thrive on challenges that makes the Croatian born visual Artist Tatjana Hutinec Toronto’s leading costume, set and prop designer for TV, Film and Theater. 

While many Artists complain about making a living out of their passion, Tatjana’s state of equanimity keeps her cashing in on constant project in-flow.  I first experienced Tatjana’s Art work at Fountain 253 Gallery (1267 Bloor St. W.) during “OFF CAMERA“ an exhibit featuring works by Artists in the film industry.  The grog ceramic bird sculptures; “Guardians of the Ceremonies” contain writing of “Hrvatsko Zagorje” a healing spell of Tatjana’s great grandmother’s magic potion recipe for curing corns.  The posture of the birds emanated a mystical energy and communicated wisdom, inner might and virtue through change. ….for full article follow the link below

Contemporary Ceramics in Croatia - 1994

book by Dr. Marina Baricevic

featuring several sculptures by Tatjana Hutinec

Promo Video - 2012
Expressions from the Tidal Pool

solo exhibition at Heliconian Club, Yorkville, Toronto

CBC Newsworld - 2008

News Coverage and interview

Off Camera Exhibition at Filmport Studios, Toronto

by Artists who work in the film industry

coverage and interview with Tatjana Hutinec and others


Virtual Group Exhibition of Artists who work in the Film Industry & Opening Reception with Artists Talks

Rogers OMNI II - 2015

Cronet - Croatian/Canadian TV Network Interview and coverage

Expressions form the Tidal Pool solo exhibition at The Heliconian Club in Yorkville, Toronto